Air pollution control will be expensive.
辞典例句At this point we should consider the best results that air pollution control can achieve.
辞典例句In - car air pollution control measurement and control technology are analyzed.
互联网The case for air pollution control is gaining ground throughout the country.
互联网Theory And Technology Air Pollution Control.
互联网Experience: 2 - of engineering experience in power plant, air pollution control system, or process plant design experience.
经验: 至少两年以上工业经验.具有电厂, 空气污染控制系统或设计院经验者优先.
互联网At the same time , the techniques of indoor air pollution control are summarized.
综述了各种室内空气污染净化技术, 并介绍了各种技术的优缺点.
互联网As an emerging technology, biofiltration technology has being used in air pollution control processes.
生物过滤技术是一项新兴的废气污染治理技术, 正在逐步得到应用.
互联网The author provides some suggestions to perfect the law of air pollution control in China.
互联网The major legislation dealing with air pollution is the Air Pollution Control Ordinance Cap 311.
互联网The conventional types of air pollution control system is direct - fired incineration, liquid absorption - stripping , active carbon adsorption.
涂装车间目前治理废气常用的方法有:直接燃烧法 、 液体吸收法 、 活性炭吸附法.
互联网The Air Pollution Control ( Fuel Restriction ) ( Amendment ) Regulation became effective on 1 October 2008.
《空气污染管制 ( 燃料限制 ) ( 修订 ) 规例》于二零零八年十月一日起实施.
互联网It is rather important to treat organic waste gas in the air pollution control.
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